
STORYTIME: The Rabbit Circle-- Part 3

...The black rabbit stood on his hind legs and stepped into the circle. Wind started to blow, each time faster and harder. It encircled Annie and the rabbits. Annie´s hair flew in her face and she could barely see anything. The ground started to shake under her. It seemed to be opening up. The rabbits seemed bigger now or maybe she was getting smaller. Then she felt something graze her hand, it was the black rabbit´s paw, it wanted to hold her hand! Annie slowly stretched her hand toward the rabbit who immediately grabbed her, and looking straight at her, pulled her down through the hole in the ground. They landed with a big THUMP. Where were they? The wind was gone, and they were not in her yard anymore. First of all it was daytime. She was standing in a beautiful garden filled with flowers and trees. The sky was so blue it almost hurt her eyes. The five rabbits were still there, though much bigger now, almost her size. She was still holding on to the black rabbit´s paw. He looked up to her and and still holding her hand pulled her toward a big tree. At the bottom of it there was a small hole, and inside lay the most beautiful white baby rabbit she could ever imagine. It seemed weak, maybe hungry or thirsty. Annie saw something hanging from its neck. It was a bell. She stretched out to touch it, but when she did all she could feel was water. The bell was made out of water...
(Visit us tomorrow for the ending of The Rabbit Circle/Read parts 1 and 2 in previous posts)

DAILY RECIPE: Easy slow cooker chicken

2 chicken drumsticks, thighs and breast
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can onion soup
salt and pepper

Season chicken to taste. Place it in the slow cooker and pour the complete cans of soup on top. Turn the slow cooker on low all night or on high about 6 hours. Check for tenderness. Easy and delicious!


Have you ever gotten home from the doctor´s office with your child and suddenly remember that you forgot to ask him something? To avoid this, assign a special notebook to each of your children. In it, write all your questions, comments, observations, anything you want your pediatrician to be aware of regarding your child. Use it throughout the month and take it with you to your next appointment. This way you´ll remember everything you want to discuss and I´m sure your doctor will appreciate it too.

STORYTIME: The Rabbit Circle -- Part 2

... Annie stepped back from the window. Although she was not scared, the five rabbits looking up at her made her a bit nervous. She breathed deeply and tiptoed to the window again. She looked down... the rabbits were still there, in a perfect circle and looking up at her. Why were they standing there? Were they trying to tell her something? Suddenly she heard the bell again. At the sound of it, the rabbits quickly stood on their hind legs, wiggled their noses and hopped to the end of the yard disappearing so quickly, Annie could not even tell where they had gone. She heard her mother calling her for dinner, and still thinking about the rabbits hurried downstairs.
That night Annie could not go to sleep. She kept picturing the rabbits in her head. A thunderstorm could be heard in the distance, but it seemed to be getting nearer. Soon enough the pitter patter of raindrops hitting the roof came. By the time it stopped, Annie was fast asleep. The sound of the water bell woke her, again softly but very clear. At first she thought she was dreaming, but as she remembered the rabbits Annie sat up on her bed, ran to the window and looked down. The white rabbits were there and in the distance she could vaguely see a black figure, under the moonlight, hopping toward her. It was the black rabbit. It joined the others, and repeating the ritual, they hopped in all directions and stopped, forming a perfect circle and looking up at Annie. Just like before, she thought, only this time, she rushed down the stairs and out the door towards the rabbits. What she saw next she couldn´t believe....
(Visit us tomorrow for more of The Rabbit Circle / If you just joined us today look for The Rabbit Circle -- Part 1 in yesterday´s posts)

DAILY RECIPE: Lettuce, Grapefruit and Avocado Salad

1 lettuce (washed and trimmed)
1 avocado
grapefruit slices
bacon bits
dressing (recipe follows)

Slice avocado in half moons. In a large salad bowl spread out lettuce. Add avocado slices. Top with grapefruit. Pour dressing and sprinkle bacon bits. Serve immediately. Great for a hot day!

Dressing: Blend 3/4 cup mayonaisse, 1/4 cup tomato ketchup, 1/4 cup pickles, 1 teaspoon lime juice and a pinch of sugar.


These hot summer days your children are usually dressed with light clothing, even babies. But, what happens when you go into the supermarket or mall with the A/C blasting? Always carry a light sweater (thread, cotton) in your diaper bag or purse. Put it on your child right before entering a highly air conditioned area. This way, you´ll protect them from severe temperature changes.