
ARTICLE: Working Mothers -- Comments

After writing my last article on working mothers and setting limits, I talked to several people who seemed to agree that it´s common to feel guilty about the time not being spent with our children. This brought me to share with you the opinion of my young son. I recently had to leave my job for medical reasons, and although all is fine now, I haven´t returned to the "working outside the house" work force just yet. The other day I was on the phone and I commented that I was not going back to work yet. My son overheard this conversation. When I was done he came up to me and asked if I was going back to work. "Not just yet," I answered, "don´t worry." He looked disappointed, so I had to ask, "Why?" This was his answer: "Oh, because stay at home mommy is more fun. She doesn´t get mad as often, she never misses a school event, and she has lots of time to play, cook and bake. But working mommy is great too because she works hard, and then we can all go to Disneyland!" I was shocked at the wisdom he displayed. No doubt about it, when life gives children lemons they make lemonade! So next time you feel guilty about leaving for work, remember this: your children love you no matter what, and as long as you show them love and caring, they will understand that if you leave for work is because you have to: to give them what they need, to provide for them and why not, to go to Disneyland! Hang in there!

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