
ARTICLE: Limits Please!

With the busy lives we live today, mothers working away from home, and media influence, our children are often given what they ask that very minute. It´s hard after a day of work, tired and guilty, to come to your house and forbid your child to eat that candy bar before dinner. Sadly, though, we have to do it. It´s hard not to please your child, especially if you´re only with him or her for a few hours each day. But still, children need limits. It´s our way to show them that we care. Keep in mind that you will never be able to give your child everything, even if money isn´t an issue. If he wants the picture frame on the wall, you can give it to him. But what happens when he wants the nail? Maybe you could give it to him, too. And then, he will ask for the hole the nail left on the wall. What do you do then? Remember, when your child gets angry or throws a fit because he doesn´t get his way, you´re doing your job right!

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