
ARTICLE: Baby Einstein Videos for Children

Lately, many of us heard on the news about new reports on keeping young children and babies from watching tv until the age of two or older. Later on, there was an announcement on how you could get your money back on purchased Baby Einstein videos. This left me with a thought: Are they really that bad for your children? This is what I concluded, maybe some of you will disagree: It is clear that TV is not good for babies. Many people believe it is one of the causes of increased cases of autism. If you sit your child in front of the television for hours and hours, it´s not ok, no matter how old, just as they shouldn´t play video games for long periods of time. But, if you watch a Baby Einstein video, TOGETHER, and clap to the music or comment on the colors, I really do not see anything wrong with that. In fact, I believe it is a great source of sense awareness for your child. Now, this is not what you will be doing at all hours of every day of course. And it IS best to keep your one-year-old from the TV. But if your child is 2 and is in a household where the TV is on for the morning news, your favorite sitcom and the Sunday game, you might as well introduce them to the TV with these videos that are much simpler for them than today´s cartoons and kids´ shows. So, my advice, use these videos that introduce them to classical music and art, as a first TV show for older toddlers with you commenting by their side.

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