
ARTICLE: The New Baby Brother or Sister

When a new baby is coming into the family and you already have another child there is bound to be some jealousy. Your formerly only child will resent the preparations being made for the new member of the family and then the attention this baby will get. Some children are able to express these feelings and start acting out, throwing fits or tantrums and even saying that they´re not happy. Others, however, don´t say a thing and seem to be handling it quite well, but seem quiet or sad at times. Any way your child reacts, you should try to reassure them that they are still loved and very important. Explain to them that the baby needs attention because he or she still can´t do anything independently. Here are some tips to help your older child understand:
  • Post pictures of your older child as a baby on the refrigerator door. Comment on how you remember how he or she did this or that. Change the pictures as your baby grows to show ones that depict your child at the baby´s age.
  • Have the new baby "bring" a special surprise to your child when he goes to meet him at the hospital. (small toy, stuffed animal, book)
  • Ask close family members to bring a piece of candy or chocolate bar to your child when they come to meet the baby.
  • Make a special ribbon or button for your child to wear during the baby´s first days. It can read "New Brother/Sister" or "World´s best older brother/sister".
  • Include your child in the baby care as much as safely possible. Have them give you the moisturizer, arrange diapers, even choose which clothes the baby should wear.
  • If your child´s birthday is coming up, or Christmas, Valentine´s Day or any gift giving occasion, make sure the baby gives something to your child.
  • Whenever the baby reaches a milestone, talk to your child about when he or she did that, and if possible show them videos or pictures.

STORYTIME: The Little Cloud -- part 3

..The little cloud was now turning gray. She was also feeling heavier and heavier. She could no longer swift along with the breeze. As she looked down on the meadow she saw that the little children were running away. They were all heading back to their houses. Why didn´t they want to play outside anymore?, wondered the little cloud. They were probably scared of her now, so big and gray! This made the little cloud very sad and she started to cry....
(Final part tomorrow)

DAILY RECIPE: Barbecue cheese chicken

2 boneless chicken breasts, halved
1 cup grated Mozzarella cheese
1/2 cup barbecue sauce
4 slices of bacon
salt and pepper
Lightly season chicken breasts. Cook in a little oil until browned on both sides. Place in a baking dish. Cover with barbecue sauce. Place a slice of bacon on each chicken piece. Top with cheese and cook in a 350°F oven for 20 to 30 minutes.


Is your young child asking for play dates? Try a first one at a neutral place with both mothers present. Examples? A park, playgound or indoor play area.


ARTICLE: Birthdays!

Every child looks forward to his or her birthday. It means parties or presents, cards or special calls. But birthdays, actually, mean a lot more than that. It is a day of special attention, a day of celebrating him or her, and an actual booster of self-esteem.
Sometimes our work, in or outside the house, the economy, other children or whatever factor you may think of, can make us wonder... do I really want to throw this birthday party? Will my child even care? The answer is YES. Celebrating a birthday is a way of celebrating your child. You are having a party to rejoice on the day your child was born. Your child feels important, loved, significant. From year one, birthdays are one day a year where simple actions can be very important in boosting self-esteem.
Now, back to the factors mentioned above. Not every year will you be able to afford a big birthday party. Not every year will you have the time and patience to drive 8 noisy children to the nearest pizza party place. Maybe one year a birthday may overlap with a move or a family event. Still, each and every birthday must be celebrated. How? You don´t need a big party or pizza and games to show your child this is an important day. A simple birthday cake, with family members will do great! Have everyone make cards, tell them to write something special about the birthday boy or girl. Hold party games such as musical chairs, even if it´s just your child and you. The point is to make your child feel special on this special day. Remember to take pictures and show them to your child months later mentioning, "Remember your birthday? That was fun!" If the economy and time permit it, throw a party, choose a theme and have a great day! But don´t feel bad if you don´t, just remember to celebrate the birthday one way or another.
Remember, it was your child, that on this special day, gave you the gift of becoming a mother.

STORYTIME: The Little Cloud -- Part 2

...One day, the little cloud started to feel different. She could not float as well as she used too. She started to feel very heavy. Still she could enjoy the breeze high up in the sky and look at all the little children playing in the meadows. The little cloud looked down to enjoy the view. Suddenly she caught a glimpse of her puffy usually white tummy. It was beginning to turn gray... what was happening to her?
(More tomorrow)

DAILY RECIPE: Mustard Pork Loin

2-3 lb. pork loin
1 medium sized onion
1 cup mustard (regular)
salt and pepper
garlic powder

Season pork with salt, pepper and garlic powder. Place in a baking dish. Blend onion and mustard and pour over pork. Cover with aluminum foil and bake in 350°F oven for about 1 1/2 hours or until pork is tender. Check with a fork.


Use a clothes hanger to organize your daughter´s hair ribbons. They won´t get wrinkled or tangled and you can easily choose the color you want.


NEW STORYTIME! The Little Cloud -- Part 1

A long time ago, there was a little cloud way up in the sky. She was small, white and loved to float around. From up high she would see many wonderful things down on the ground. She loved flowers and trees, meadows with grass and children playing in the sun. Every morning she would wake up and float, feeling the breeze around her... and she was happy...
(More tomorrow)

ARTICLE: The importance of knowing your child´s friends

From the moment they start school, our children start making friends. Some we´ll like, others we would prefer they wouldn´t play with, but in the end, our children will end up spending time with others who may have different opinions, ideas or backgrounds. All these factors may or may not have positive or negative influences in our children. To fully understand any change in behavior due to a friendship it´s important that we know who our child is playing with at school or the playground. Talk to your child about his or her new friends. How they act, what do they play with, what movies they like. Ask your child´s teacher who his or her friends are. Try to meet the mothers of these children. By having this information, you can better guide your child and identify any changes in behavior that may be being caused by another classmate´s influence. In the end we can´t choose who our child will spend time with when they´re not with us. However, by identifying his or her friends, we can be a part of our child´s process of choosing who to play with.

DAILY RECIPE: Broccoli Chicken Pasta

1 large bag fussilli pasta
1 cooked boneless chicken breast
1/2 bag frozen broccoli florets, thawed
1 cup heavy cream
salt and pepper
grated parmesan cheese
olive oil
Cook pasta according to package directions. Meanwhile, season cooked chicken with salt and pepper and grill in olive oil. Add broccoli florets and stir until tender. Add heavy cream and continue to cook. Season. Add cooked pasta and mix throughly. Serve with grated parmesan cheese.


Use old dryer sheets to give a quick clean to shower walls. It easily removes soap scum, plus you recycle!


ARTICLE: Sibling Rivalry and Game Night

Brothers and sisters tend to quarrel; a part of growing up. You can help mediate this "tension" by having family game nights. By placing them in a possible discussion environment, but with you present, you can teach them how to resolve conflicts without having to fight. Try to have each child understand the others´ point of view and why they are reacting this way or that. Show them that instead of shouting at each other or storming angrily out of the room there is a calm way to solve the problem. Hopefully, skills learned at these game nights can be applied to other aspects of life and sibling bickering can be one less thing to worry about!


On very cloudy days, send your kids off to school with a raincoat or small umbrella. A surprise shower will catch them prepared!


1 large can beans (Ranch style)
1 Lettuce
2 Tomatoes
1/2 cup chopped onion
Shredded Monterey Jack cheese

Toss washed and trimmed lettuce with chopped onion. Slice tomatoes. Add to salad. Drain and rinse beans. Add and toss fritos and beans alternately until well mixed. Top with cheese and add your favorite dressing (ranch, italian).


ARTICLE: After school activities

Whether you are a working mother and need your children occupied in the afternoon or your own children are asking for them, after school classes and activities are an important part of motherhood. Choosing the right ones can sometimes be a little tricky. Keep this in mind:
  • Always make sure your child enjoys the after school activity. School means enough pressure for them and they don´t need to stretch it out into the afternoon.
  • If you are choosing more than one activity, make sure at least one is one that involves exercising (dancing, soccer, gymnastics, track)
  • Encourage your child to make new friends in the activity.
  • If the activity is making your child too tired or sacrificing lots of homework time, drop it.
  • If you have more than one child with lots of activities and you´re staring to feel like a cab driver, have each child choose only one activity.
  • Make sure you meet the activity´s instructor and talk to him or her about what they´ll be doing during the class.
  • If the activity involves exercise, be ready with a water bottle afterwards.
  • Keep a small bag in your car with an extra change of clothes in case of an emergency to and from the activity.
  • Most of all, keep in mind that the after school activity should bring a positive influence to your child.


Use Cheetos as croutons in cream of carrot soup. The taste is great and it will make your children gobble it down!

DAILY RECIPE: Crunchy Chicken

3 cooked boneless chicken breasts, cut in half
1 stick butter
1 cup sour cream
1 can cream of chicken soup
40 Ritz crackers

Place cooked chicken in baking pan. Mix chicken soup and sour cream and pour over chicken. Dot with butter. Crumble Ritz crackers on top. Place in 350°F oven for 20 minutes.



Are you on a tight budget? Write down on a small pad the amount of everything you spend, from groceries to a piece of gum. This will help you keep track of where the money is going and hopefully where you can cut off a few cents!

ARTICLE: First Day of School Jitters

Children get a little anxious about going back to school. This anxiety increases if your child is starting a new school or if it´s his or her very first time going. Try calming and reassuring your child that everything will be ok and that feeling this way is common. Here are a few tips:
  • Set aside school clothes or uniforms a few days before and comment on how exciting it will be to wear that on the first day.
  • Have your child go to bed extra early the night before and read a good school story. (For example: Franklin goes to school)
  • Take your child to the supermarket with you and pick out first week´s lunches.
  • Talk about your own first days of school and share stories on how you felt nervous, too.
  • Take a picture of your child before walking out the door with backpack and name tag ready: this will make the day exciting and nerves will tend to fade.
  • If possible, have both mother and father take the child to school on the very first day.
  • Prepare a small treat (chocolate bar, pencil, stickers) to take to your child when you pick him or her up from school.
  • Try to be there to pick them up on time or as early as possible. They´ll be ready to talk about their day and will want you to be there as soon as they come out.
  • Most of all reassure your child that you are there for him or her and that everyone has to go through the first day of school.

GOOD LUCK and the best for BACK TO SCHOOL 2009!


ACTIVITY: Homemade play dough

Playing with dough is always fun. But what about starting the fun a little earlier? Try making the dough from scratch. Mix 1/2 cup flour and 1/2 cup salt in a small bowl. Add 1/4 cup water and stir. Knead in a drop of food coloring, and you´re ready to play! Let your children help with the mixing and kneading.


If you speak a foreign language, or at least know some words in another language, try using it at home from your baby´s first months. Children will become familiar with it and when they do study it, it will be much easier for them.

DAILY RECIPE: Busy Day Cheesecake

2 pkg. cream cheese
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp. lemon juice
graham cracker crust
Beat all ingredients together and pour into a graham cracker crust. Bake at 350°F for 20-25 minutes or until set. Chill and serve or top with your favorite fruit topping when cool.



Pack non-sugared breakfast cereal, such as Cheerios in small zip-loc bags and drop in your purse. Hand them to your child to snack on when on the go.

DAILY RECIPE: Easy Corn Flakes Chicken

1 chicken, cut up
2 cups buttermilk
Crushed Corn Flakes cereal
Salt and pepper

Clean chicken and remove fat. Preheat oven to 400°F. Spray a cookie sheet with Pam. Season chicken with salt and pepper. Dip into buttermilk and roll in the crushed corn flakes. Place on the cookie sheet and bake for about 45 minutes or until done.

ACTIVITY: Mirror, mirror

Mirroring your baby´s gestures, noises or expressions is a great way to stimulate development and enforce mother-to-child bonds. Hold your baby in your arms and mimic his hand movements, the faces he makes and the noises he babbles, too. Don´t stop this activity, however, as they grow older. Toddlers love this activity too. Only at this age, movements can be much more elaborate, and faces and expressions more varied. Also, now you can play this both ways. You can mirror your child, and your child can mirror you. It´s a simple activity that can take place at any time and any place, without previous preparation. Try it. You have no idea how this simple action can help you and your child bond and laugh together.


ARTICLE: Setting Cause and Effect Corrections

Many times, when we correct our children, we set an inappropriate punishment for their action. We must keep in mind that it should be a cause and effect situation. This makes the action clear to young children and we have a better chance of it not happening again. For example, if they ate cookies before dinner after being told not to, the punishment cannot be that they don´t go to the park the next day. That won´t make any sense to them. However, if the punishment it that there is no dessert, we do enforce a cause and effect action. Each household is different and each mother knows what can be allowed and what can´t, so only you can set corrections. Just keep in mind that the clearer we are with our children, the better. Next time you have to correct your children remember cause and effect, their misbehavior must have a logical consecuence.


STORYTIME: The Ant and the Tree --- Final Part

.. The little ant was running out of time, the men were getting ready to cut down the tree. Suddenly she had an idea: the little ant ran as fast as she could to the man with the biggest ax. She carefully and slowly crawled onto his shoe. Then she went up his sock until she was standing on his leg, and then, she bit him as hard as she could. The man screamed and shook his leg. The little ant fell down and crawled up the man´s leg and bit him again. One more time the man screamed and shook his leg. The little ant did this again and again until she grew very tired. The man´s leg started to get swollen and he angrily walked away from the forest. The tree was saved. It shook its branches and looked for the little ant. The tree saw it clinging from some grass. It bent down one branch and held the tired little insect. The tree cradled it softly until the little ant was feeling better. "You saved my life," the tree said, and the little ant happily replied: "I´m glad I could help."


STORYTIME: The Ant and the Tree -- part 3

... Every day, after work, the little ant would walk up to the tree, enjoy its shade and sometimes the leaves it dropped. Every day, the tree was happy to help. One day, when the little ant finished her work and walked up to her tree, she found it crying. "What´s the matter my dear friend? ", asked the ant. "Oh, do you see that man over there? He´s going to cut me down to make some firewood," the tree sobbed. The little ant turned around and saw a mean faced man walking towards them with a huge ax. The little ant walked desperately in circles. Why was this happening? Men weren´t allowed to cut trees in this part of the forest. What could she do? What could she do?
(More tomorrow)

DAILY RECIPE: Beef and Noodles

1 lb. cubed beef
1 can onion soup
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 bag frozen peas
Cooked noodles

Mix both soups. Add cubed beef and place in a casserole dish, covered. Bake at 225°F for about 4 hours. Add peas for the last half hour of baking. Serve over noodles.


Plant a seed with your child. Start by placing a seed in damp cotton. When you see the root, transfer to a small flowerpot with dirt. Water every day and watch your child´s amazement as it grows.


DAILY RECIPE: Lemon Meringue Pie

1 prepared pie crust
1 can condensed milk
4 eggs (separate yolks from whites)
1/4 cup lemon juice

Blend condensed milk, yolks and lemon juice. Pour into crust. Beat egg whites with a pinch of sugar and a few drops of lemon juice, until stiff peaks form. Spread over pie and place in oven until lightly browned.

STORYTIME: The Ant and the Tree -- Part 2

... The little ant went back to her pile and continued her work. The next day, when she was tired from all her hard work, she went back to sit under her tree. She rested under its shade and sighed happily. Suddenly, a little green leaf fell from one of the branches and landed next to the little ant. The ant grabbed it and nibbled on it a bit. It was the most delicious little green leaf she had ever tasted. The ant could not help but say, "Oh, big tree, thank you for this delicious leaf. It has filled my stomach so well." The big tree shook its branches and said, "I´m glad I could help."
(More tomorrow)


Start buying school supplies, little by little, a few weeks before school actually starts. You´ll avoid crowds, out of stock supplies, plus it will be easier on your wallet!