
ARTICLE: Always re-ask your child´s questions

Children are full of questions. This is their way of exploring the world. However, always be careful of what you´re about to answer, you may be giving away too much information. When your child asks something, make sure you are answering what he is asking and not something else. To do this simply re-ask the question, encouraging him or her to give you more information. Famous example: "Mom, how are children born?" to which you would reply: "How are children born, how?" And your child could reply: "Yes, with clothes or without?" A simple answer! We can only wish all answers were that simple, but at least some questions are sure to be made easier if you are clear on what your child is inquiring. Good luck!

DAILY RECIPE: Milky Way Cake

8 Milky Way bars
2 cups sugar
2 1/2 cups flour
1 1/4 cups plain yoghurt
2 sticks butter
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup chopped pecans

Melt the Milky Ways and 1 stick butter and mix well. Blend the remaining butter and sugar until creamy. Mix flour and baking soda. Add to the sugar mixture alternately with yoghurt. Add the melted candy and pecans. Bake in pan, 325°, for 1 hour. Frost with your favorite chocolate frosting.


Always keep your pediatrician´s recommended fever medicine (Tylenol, Motrin, etc) on hand. Fevers in young children have a habit of appearing in the middle of the night. This way you´ll be able to start treating it right away.