
ARTICLE: Toddlers´First Time Offense!

Toddlers have great imaginations and wonderful ideas and we never know what they´ll think of next. However, when one of their innovative ideas means danger or a mess that we do not want, we must stop them immediately. For this behavior one may think a consecuence or punishment is in order, but no. If our child did not know that his or her behavior was inadecuate, we have to stop them, be firm, explain, but the consecuence or punishment has to come only if they repeat this act. This is so they are clear on what the rules are. If we punish them for things they did not know were wrong, our act/consecuence system will fail to function. So, next time you walk in to a crayon decorated wall, take a deep breath, stop your child from being Picasso for the afternoon, explain that we don´t do that and pass them a coloring book. If he repeats the action (hopefully no, for your sake) then apply the consecuence. Good Luck!

DAILY RECIPE: Flan (Custard dessert)

5 eggs
1 can condensed milk
1 can evaporated milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Mix all ingredients in blender. Pour into a white corning ware microwable pan. Microwave for 8-10 minutes on Hi until set. Let cool and serve.


1-2-3 art smock? Cut 3 slits on an old pillowcase (1 on top for the head, and two on the top cormers for the arms). Voilá!