
ARTICLE: The New Baby Brother or Sister

When a new baby is coming into the family and you already have another child there is bound to be some jealousy. Your formerly only child will resent the preparations being made for the new member of the family and then the attention this baby will get. Some children are able to express these feelings and start acting out, throwing fits or tantrums and even saying that they´re not happy. Others, however, don´t say a thing and seem to be handling it quite well, but seem quiet or sad at times. Any way your child reacts, you should try to reassure them that they are still loved and very important. Explain to them that the baby needs attention because he or she still can´t do anything independently. Here are some tips to help your older child understand:
  • Post pictures of your older child as a baby on the refrigerator door. Comment on how you remember how he or she did this or that. Change the pictures as your baby grows to show ones that depict your child at the baby´s age.
  • Have the new baby "bring" a special surprise to your child when he goes to meet him at the hospital. (small toy, stuffed animal, book)
  • Ask close family members to bring a piece of candy or chocolate bar to your child when they come to meet the baby.
  • Make a special ribbon or button for your child to wear during the baby´s first days. It can read "New Brother/Sister" or "World´s best older brother/sister".
  • Include your child in the baby care as much as safely possible. Have them give you the moisturizer, arrange diapers, even choose which clothes the baby should wear.
  • If your child´s birthday is coming up, or Christmas, Valentine´s Day or any gift giving occasion, make sure the baby gives something to your child.
  • Whenever the baby reaches a milestone, talk to your child about when he or she did that, and if possible show them videos or pictures.

STORYTIME: The Little Cloud -- part 3

..The little cloud was now turning gray. She was also feeling heavier and heavier. She could no longer swift along with the breeze. As she looked down on the meadow she saw that the little children were running away. They were all heading back to their houses. Why didn´t they want to play outside anymore?, wondered the little cloud. They were probably scared of her now, so big and gray! This made the little cloud very sad and she started to cry....
(Final part tomorrow)

DAILY RECIPE: Barbecue cheese chicken

2 boneless chicken breasts, halved
1 cup grated Mozzarella cheese
1/2 cup barbecue sauce
4 slices of bacon
salt and pepper
Lightly season chicken breasts. Cook in a little oil until browned on both sides. Place in a baking dish. Cover with barbecue sauce. Place a slice of bacon on each chicken piece. Top with cheese and cook in a 350°F oven for 20 to 30 minutes.


Is your young child asking for play dates? Try a first one at a neutral place with both mothers present. Examples? A park, playgound or indoor play area.