
HALLOWEEN CRAFT: Jack-o-Lantern Noisemakers

2 jello disposable cups
orange paint
black cardboard
craft leaves or green cardboard leaves
1 green pipe-cleaner
assorted beans or rice
Paint the insides of the jello cups with the orange paint. Let dry. Cut out 2 small triangles( eyes), one medium sized triangle (nose) and one mouth from the black cardboard. Turn one jello cup over and glue eyes and nose. Glue the mouth to the other jello cup, only this cup should be right side up. Fill mouth cup with rice and beans and glue other cup on top. Your jack-o-lantern should be almost ready. Glue leaves and twisted green pipe cleaner on top. You´re done!

DAILY RECIPE: Candy Corn Jello

1 box pineapple jello (yellow)
1 box orange jello (orange)
1 tub Cool Whip
Candy corn
See-thru jello cups or parfait cups

Prepare orange jello according to package directions. Fill cups 1/3 full and refrigerate until set. Prepare yellow jello according to package directions and fill 1/3 more. Refrigerate until set. Before serving top the last third of the cup with Cool Whip and sprinkle 2 or 3 candy corn pieces on each dessert. Great for Halloween parties!


Keep a roll of Clorox desinfectant wipes under each sink in each bathroom of your house. When you do not have much time, grab one and give sink and toilet a quick brush.