Play this fun game at your child´s Valentine´s Day celebration at school or simply with friends or neighbors!
You will need:
Black marker
Red posterboard
Cut out hearts from the red posterboard (12 hearts). Divide into two piles. Write different actions on each heart, for example: run, skip, hop, walk, walk backwards, crawl. Set each pile, facedown, at the end of a room, clear of large objects, or out in the yard. Make two teams, or two children, and have each stand about 12 feet from each pile of hearts. At your command, each child or team member will race to his pile of hearts, pick one up, and return to his place doing what the heart is commanding. For example, if they pick up the heart that says "skip", they should return to their place skipping. The team or child who finishes first, wins! If your children are too young to read, change words for stick figures performing the action, just make sure to explain beforehand what each of them mean.