...The King´s messengers got on their horses and swiftly rode to the far end of the kingdom. As they got near the Giant´s home they started to move slower, scared of the unknown. Finally they arrived and the most important messenger got off his horse and walked to the Giant´s door. He knocked three times and waited. Suddenly, loud footsteps were heard and slowly the door opened to reveal ... the Giant. The messenger cleared his throat and said, " Our kingdom is out of food. We need you to give us some of your fruit, milk and wheat." The Giant stared at the messengers and taking a deep breath screamed: "OUT OF MY PROPERTY!!!" The messengers were so scared they jumped on their horses and rode away, never looking back. Back in the kingdom the king said: "If the Giant won´t listen to my messengers then I shall send the townspeople." So, the townspeople got ready and walked to the Giant´s door. A man knocked three times and soon enough the Giant answered. The people started calling in loud voices: "Give us food! We need food! We want some of your food!" But the Giant again screamed for everybody to leave. When they told their story to the king, he was outraged! "I shall go myself", he said, "no one will say no to the king." So, he got his horse ready and rode to the Giant´s house. When he got there he firmly knocked on the door....
(More tomorrow)