... The Giant quickly opened the door and waited for the king to speak. "I am the king, " the king said, "and I demand you to give us some of your food." The Giant stared at the king and firmly said, "No!". He closed the door and the king had to leave empty handed. As he was headed home, sad and worried that his kingdom would starve, a young boy came to his side. "What worries you my dear king?" the boy asked. The king told the boy what had happened. The boy listened carefully and replied, "I think I can do it, sir". "Do what?" the king asked. "I think I can get the Giant to give us the food we need," he explained. "But how? I´ve sent my messengers, my townspeople and the Giant won´t even give the food to me," the king argued. "Oh," said the boy, "but I know the secret magic words. I know I can do it."
(More tomorrow)