
ARTICLE: Valuable Lessons Children Teach

A few holiday seasons ago, my brother in law decided to play a game with all nieces and nephews. It was sort of a raffle you played by throwing dice. Everyone won different presents, beautifully wrapped and of different sizes, but no one knew what was inside. The joke was, that they weren´t real presents, they were all pranks (for example, a toilet paper roll, a rope, a diaper, a kitchen sponge, etc.) The older children laughed at each present and threw it down to the ground. However, my daughter who was just turning three, taught us a valuable lesson. When she opened the present with the toilet paper roll, she said:"Good! For my bathroom!" Then she opened the kitchen sponge and said: "Look Mommy! This one´s for you!" Finally she opened the old rope and said: "Wow! Now I can learn to jump rope!" Obviously, my poor brother in law felt terrible that she didn´t get the joke and actually thought that was what her uncle was giving us for Christmas. But I just sat back and thought: What a wonderful mind that of a child. So innocent and happy and ready to enjoy everything life gives them, good or bad. What makes us all change as we grow older? We should all try to be more like our children in many ways.

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