
ACTIVITY: Thanksgiving Thankful Box

With Thanksgiving in a couple of weeks get an early start for this holiday celebration. Cover an old shoe box with orange paper and decorate with fall or Thanksgiving motives (brown leaves, turkeys, pilgrims, acorns). You can make them by tracing cookie cutter shapes on brown cardboard and cutting them out. Once your box is decorated (your children can help you out), write Thankful Box on it. Cut a slit on top as if it were a mailbox. Place it in the kitchen or family room or any place in your house your family passes through every day. Set a cup with crayons, markers and pencils next to it, together with a pack of index cards. Tell your family that for the next couple of weeks whenever they can think of something they´re thankful for, they should write it down on an index card and place it in the Thankful Box. Help out younger family members by encouraging them to draw something they give thanks for. Ask them what it is and write it down on the back of the card. Just before Thanksgiving dinner, open up the box and read all the things your family is thankful for. (Be sure to have a box of kleenex by your side -- you´ll be amazed at how profound your children´s thoughts can be ).

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