Oh, no! Grandma had seen Mr. Turkey! Mary and Scott did not know what to say. Their parents came to the front door, too. The secret was out. The whole family was now staring at Mr. Turkey! A few awkward seconds of silence passed, then Mr. Turkey cleared its throat: "Thank you, dear family, for receiving me on Thanksgiving Day! I am here for dinner, as I was told on the farm, and very excited to visit with you all." Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa did not speak for a while. Then Grandpa said, "Well, let´s sit down for dinner then, Mr. Turkey." And he called on to Mom, "Serve Mr. Turkey corn and apple pie, yams and cranberry sauce. We can all enjoy that food together." Scott pulled up an extra chair for Mr. Turkey and they all sat at the table. Mom and Dad passed the food around and Mr. Turkey told the funniest stories about life on the farm. Of course, Mom never brought the turkey out of the kitchen, and no one dared ask why they weren´t eating turkey for Thanksgiving Dinner. When everyone was done, Mr. Turkey watched the football game with Dad and Grandpa. Just before dark, Mr. Turkey said he had to leave. He grabbed his bag and hat and headed out the door. "Come back next year Mr. Turkey, " called out Grandma. But it replied, "Oh, no, I´ll try a different family next year. That´s the way it´s gotta be!" So, be ready. If this Thanksgiving you hear a knock at the door, maybe, just maybe Mr. Turkey is standing outside your door....
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