... As soon as they got home, the little girl raced up the stairs to the attic. She searched through many boxes and finally found what she was looking for. She pulled out a huge piece of bright red cloth and different colored sequins. She went back downstairs and, with a pair of scissors, started cutting away. When she was done, she got some glue and continued to work. When she was done, she wrapped her beautiful creation in green wrapping paper and added a beautiful golden bow. She wrote down: FOR SANTA in big black letters on a white card and placed it in the center of the present. She carried the big package to the center of the living room and placed it under the Christmas tree. And now, she thought, for the second part of the present. She ran out and whispered something to the little boy next door, and the older girl across the street. Then she went to the twins in the big house on the corner and to the little girl who lived in the little white house. "Hurry," she shouted, "everyone has to be ready before Santa comes!" Each child went back inside and told the secret to other friends they knew. Some called their relatives on the other side of the globe; they in turn told more and more children. Soon, every child around the planet knew of this very special message, started by the little girl. On Christmas Eve, the little girl went to bed extra early, with a smile on her face, for she knew this year, the wonder of Christmas would fall on Santa.
Later that night, when everyone was asleep, a sleigh landed on top of the girl´s house. Reindeer scraped their hooves, a fat fellow came down the chimney, and started to put some presents from his sack, under the tree. He suddenly stopped as he saw a big green package with a golden bow. "For me?", he whispered, and slowly opened the present. Oh, what a wonderful feeling this was, the expectation of what was inside! As the present was revealed, Santa gasped. It was a beautiful red stocking with colored sequins that spelled SANTA. My very own stocking, he thought, my very first stocking! Inside he found a note: "Santa, you give us all so much joy, this Christmas, it´s your turn, in each house you visit you will find a special something to fill up your stocking. Every child of the world will have a little something for you, pick it up as you visit their houses tonight, and fill up your stocking well. Bring it back with you next year, for surprises will await for you as well. Merry Christmas." Pasted with glue on the back of the note was a picture of him with a little girl, the little girl who lived in this house, the little girl who had organized the most beautiful Christmas present ever. Santa finished his work, took his stocking, and went back up the chimney. In each house he visited that night, he found, pictures, drawings, gadgets and all sorts of suprises from every child. He took each one and put it in his stocking. And as he flew back home on Christmas morning he sent out a very special HO HO HO for his first Christmas stocking!
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