... All night long, the little girl tossed and turned. What was it Santa Claus wanted? What was his Christmas wish? Early next morning, she got dressed and asked her mother to take her down to see Santa Claus again. "Did you forget to ask for something, dear?", she asked her. The little girl just grinned. The line was not as long as before, so soon it was her turn. The moment he saw her, Santa Claus smiled. "So, you´re back, " he said. "Yep," said the girl, "now, Santa, what would you like for Christmas?" "Well," sighed Santa, "I´ve been doing some thinking, and what I would like is something I can look at for the whole year to remind me of this very special season, and all of the children I visit each year. The rest, I leave up to you." The little girl, smiled at Santa and said, "I know just what to get you! But, I have to get to work, I don´t have much time! Bye, Santa!" "Merry Christmas," called out Santa.
(What do you think she´ll get Santa? Find out tomorrow with more of Santa´s Stocking!)
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