Imaginary friends are a part of growing up. Many children have them and some even become part of the family. From setting an extra place at the table or asking your child what his imaginary friend wishes to do, boys, bears, girls and dragons are present with our children for the first part of their lives.
Sometimes we might me annoyed by this imaginary friend. However, considering that they will outgrow them, we might try to use the imaginary friend to learn more about our child´s likes and dislikes. By including them in our conversations we might see through a window and realize something about our child that we didn´t know before.
When your child talks to his or her imaginary friend, try to discover a little more about him. For example if the imaginary friend takes gymnastics lessons, ask, "Would you like to take gymnastics, too?" If the imaginary friend doesn´t like to play ball, ask "What about you?" Better yet, if the imaginary friend is having trouble with someone at kindergaren, ask "By the way, how are you doing in your classroom?"
We cannot get rid of imaginary friends, so, we might as well use them to our advantage, until our children slowly start forgetting about them.